So, you are looking at options to improve your smile and you have heard about porcelain veneers, but you don’t know much about them? Having had years of experience, the team at Kangaroo Point Dental would recommend that you research dental veneers and talk to your trusted dentist before deciding on cosmetic dental treatments. But you have come to the right place today as we’ll be answering six frequently asked questions about porcelain veneers! Keep reading for more insight.
1. How can veneers help me?
Veneers are a common form of cosmetic dental treatment, used to ultimately change the appearance of your pearly whites. Veneers can address a range of dental concerns – it doesn’t matter if you are concerned about the size, colour, or shape of your teeth, veneers can help improve your smile and confidence! They are often the solution for:
- Yellow or stained teeth
- Fixing broken or crooked teeth
- Fixing small gaps and spacing
- Balancing unevenly sized teeth
- Worn-down teeth
Keep in mind that to be a good candidate for veneers, you must already have a good oral hygiene routine in place to minimise tooth decay and gum problems in the future.
2. What are porcelain veneers?
Veneers work by having a thin shell of porcelain to cover the anterior face of a tooth. This veneer option is unique and custom-tailored to fit the size and shape of your teeth. They are often used to correct teeth discolouration and damage, with the main advantage of being highly resistant to staining.

3. What is the procedure?
The procedure for porcelain veneers usually takes multiple appointments from preparation and reshaping to placing the veneers. During your consultation, the dentist will get to know you better and advise you on your options based on your concerns and what you wish to achieve with veneers. The following visits will be used to create and fit the veneers, which includes a procedure to have enamel removed to accommodate the veneer. Your natural tooth will be polished, cleaned, and roughened before the veneer can be properly fitted.
4. Are veneers permanent?
No, not exactly. However, they are semi-permanent and last up to 10 years if looked after properly.
5. Are there any downsides to porcelain veneers?
We have covered the benefits of porcelain veneers, but it would be wise to briefly mention a few of the downsides, which includes:
- Although porcelain veneers last longer, are resistant to discolouration and look the closest to natural teeth, they are more expensive than the other types (composite, instant, and removable).
- They can cause damage to opposing teeth if you have a teeth-grinding habit.
- The procedure may require the removal of your natural tooth structure.
- A major downfall of porcelain veneers is that they cannot be repaired if they break.
6. What aftercare is involved with porcelain veneers?
Veneers are the ideal treatment to address a range of cosmetic dental troubles. Here are helpful tips to maintain the longevity of porcelain veneers:
- Never use your teeth to open packaging
- Avoid chewing on hard objects including fingernails and pens
- Use back teeth to chew on solid foods versus your front teeth
- Consider a mouth guard if you participate in contact sports and physical activity
Are you interested in porcelain veneers?
At Kangaroo Point Dental, We offer a comprehensive range of dental services, including general and cosmetic dentistry, as well as orthodontic treatments. To see the full list of services that we provide, feel free to take a look here. To find out if veneers are a suitable treatment option for you, contact us at Kangaroo Point Dental today. Otherwise, if you have other questions regarding veneers or anything dental-related, call us on 07 3393 1777.